Posted by:
at Sat Oct 23 07:57:42 2010 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by amarilrose ]
I know I'm late to the party guys.
For what it's worth, I AM a scientist. Nobody here has heard from me for the most part for the last couple of years because I am a graduate student in Animal Sciences, and these studies have a way of consuming your life. I study well-being, immune physiology, and stress physiology. My field of Animal Sciences is largely concerned with studying domesticated species (particularly livestock animals) and how to best improve the nutrition, reproduction, and overall productivity and well-being, but there are no actual limits to the species we study and work with.
Unfortunately, due to personal reasons, I am going to have to put graduate studies aside for the time being. Honestly, that is not something you need to know about me, but I feel the need to clarify that I have studied these topics in great detail, but I am not yet published and probably won't be for several years.
PBM, your criticisms here are spot-on!
tektum, your claims at a scientific approach here are unfounded and disturbing. Writing an article for Reptiles magazine does mean you have been published as an author, but certainly not as a scientist! PBM specifically asked you about your scientific credentials, one of which would be having a peer-reviewed scientific journal article published.
Scientists who do research with animals still must have a concern for their subjects' well-being!! Scientists are not emotionless creatures who are unfazed by animal death. A scientific approach means that you do not base your decisions upon your emotions. It does not mean you cannot have emotions or emotional attachments to animals. A scientific approach to animal research or husbandry must include several questions of what is best for the animal. There will be several instances in which a question is raised that we cannot outright know the answer to, so we have to consider our options before moving forward.
----- 3.2 Amazon Tree Boas 1.2 Duméril's Boas 1.0 Boa constrictor imperator 2.6 Ball Pythons
0.2 American Pit Bull Terriers (45lb darling lap dogs: Brandy & Mara)
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