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Gregg...part 1

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Posted by: wohlerswi at Sun Aug 11 18:57:30 2013  [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by wohlerswi ]  

I didnt say anything to fight. I dont care one way or another if you keep thinking the way you do. I simply put my knowledge into the discussion and I get jumped on. Is it because my knowledge threatens you? I never once attempted to belittle you or your knowledge. I wasnt even talking to you to begin with but the masses. You keep throwing "classes" out there like you know what I do for a living. I actually got my bachelors in biology, masters in biological research and have dedicated the rest of my years to doing field study. I work for a University and am only continuing to follow my passion in getting another masters this time in herpetology. It really makes no difference career wise for me to have another masters. I am simply doing it because reptiles are my passion. Why did you start all this bull with me, when I didnt even disagree with you? Heaven forbid if I would have but thats not the point...

You are right the majority of my knowledge is not in venom delivery systems on a species level. I do have vast knowledge on this subject for certain species that I work with and do field studies on, but I do not claim to know even close to all the animals on a species level. That is one reason I am chasing my passion with a degree in herpetology.

I didnt use my credentials to give me any leg up in the issue. I simply stated my credentials because of people like you. If someone doesnt have some kind of paper backing them up you think their statements have no merit. I wanted to contribute and be taken seriously so I stated my knowledge base to continue on with the conversation.

Point is, you are still to unintelligent to get the point. In order to be venomous, the said venomous animal, has to have fangs in which to INJECT the frickin venom. It is the only method that could qualify them as venomous. Hognose do not inject venom! Therefore by zoological definition they are not VENOMOUS!

They may have glands. But until the proteins and enzymes in


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