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at Sun Aug 11 19:03:48 2013 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by wohlerswi ]
Rest of the message got cut off.
They may have glands. But until the proteins and enzymes in so called "venom" get injected via hollow fangs or a stinger it actually isnt venom! Do you understand? Because of the delivery system they completely get classified as toxic. You do know that in the zoological field there is no such thing as rear fanged venomous right? We as herpers added the venomous part. Scientifically speaking the rear fanged colubrid family isnt broken up into venomous and non venomous. Can you tell me any rear fanged "non venomous" snakes in the hobby? It is an oxymoron.
I bet you didnt know that actually, since you regularly throw the term rear fanged venomous around. Have you ever heard your doc refer to them as that? lol
Now Im done wasting my time on ignorance. If you have something relevant or nice to say then we can continue on with the DISCUSSION. This isnt a slamfest right? We all are here for the same reasons right? Or am I mistaken?
Will Wohlers
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