Posted by:
at Thu Dec 11 09:29:45 2014 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by FR ]
Kings can shed from 1 to 12 times in a year, Of course normal is in the middle of that. The question your asking is more about signs of your snake doing well Or poorly, for that matter. A sign its doing well is feeding. How well it feeds and processes food is without question a sign of how good its conditions are. Baby kings can feed and pass food daily, if kept properly. Which means if your conditions are right, your snake could be starving and that could be a reason its rubbing its nose(wants out) When a snake is rubbing it's nose, its telling you something is wrong. And seriously wrong. Remember, they feel pain and it hurts to rub their nose. Glass tanks can work well or can be a real problem. Without knowing how yours is set up, it would be a waste of time to go on and on. But, your snake is feeding, so its not THAT bad. Something to consider, all snakes want, require and seek, a HOME shelter. NOT a hide. A shelter is a deep dark place secure from precieved predators, the right temps and humidity and feel. And it must be tight. The most important thing in your snakes life is a shelter. It would be the same in nature. So think about that. Research this, where would that snake be, if it wasn't in your box? Best wishes
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