Posted by:
at Mon Jun 23 17:48:35 2008 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by 2TonksHere ]
Thanks Carol...towels are in place...but the saga is getting worse...I just got a call from South Carolina's Health department (we were in Myrtle Beach when we had to Urgent Care)
It seems...that if you get bit by a cat and seek medical attention it gets forwarded to your local health department & animal control...whereby they come and visit your home and possibly take and quarantine the animal...(which I'm sure should greatly improve Bentley's mood...)
Now, luckily Bentley is not only up to date on all of his shots, but he is actually licensed with my town (Matthews NC)...but they wanted my vets number to verify...with all that was going on with Shuteye (I just dropped off his body there this morning for cremation) I didn't get around to filling them in on Bentley's I frantically called them to give them a heads up...and the receptionist said she would handle it with them and said they rarely quarantine the animal if proof of rabies is furnished...
However...I'm probably going to have to undergo the visit from animal control...and even with Shuteye gone, I am still over the 3 pet per household limit in my town without a special addition to having to pay the permit fee I might get I am pro-actively getting my permit and licensing Alastair (Fin and Trysta are already licensed)now so when they show up I am all squared away.
My friend is coming to pick up Delilah in the morning and is going to continue the task of rehoming her while I get through my grieving, cat re-acclimations, and animal control nonsense...
So, please keep us in your thoughts...while we muddle through the next couple of weeks. -----
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