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at Thu Jun 14 20:48:17 2007 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by Slaytonp ]
Consider the tan coloration "good," as this is mostly leached tannins from your cork and substrate. I deliberately add "black water extract to my paludariums and tad pole water. It helps prevent bacterial skin diseases.
As for the film you are seeing, it will appear if the water is not circulating well. You could try adding a bubbler under the gravel and it will dissipate. I have actually just done this in my new 180 paludarium which has the water and plants in it now, but the canister filter is awaiting a part before I can begin to circulate it. The entire top was scummy even after a few water changes, but the air bubbler wand just putting up some bubbles from under the gravel has solved the problem.
As for the heat--that's a major problem with nearly everyone who doesn't have AC to keep the room temperatures below 80. It's one of my own major concerns, and other than temporary fixes in extra hot weather, such as ice in the waterways, fans over damp towels on the top, turning off all the lights, etc., I haven't found an easy answer yet.
One of the things I've tried in the past, which works only so-so is a Tropic-Aire humidifier with ice in the water. This is a simple system run by an aquarium air pump, but it doesn't put out a lot of air over-all, but perhaps enough to make just enough difference for the frogs to be useful. Take the end-cap off the wand that fits in the tank for faster air flow. You can build one yourself with a large plastic bottle and a rubber stopper pierced in two places. (Laboratory supply houses carry these, but it's probably cheaper to just buy the Tropic Air from PetCo. (About $15.00.) ----- Patty Pahsimeroi, Idaho
D. auratus blue, auratus Ancon Hill, galactonotus orange, galactonotus yellow, fantasticus, reticulatus, imitator, castaneoticus, azureus, pumilio Bastimentos. P. lugubris, vittatus, terribilis mint green, terribilis orange.
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- question on water - hedder062474, Thu Jun 14 20:15:25 2007
RE: question on water - Slaytonp, Thu Jun 14 20:48:17 2007