Posted by:
at Fri Apr 25 12:57:33 2014 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by FR ]
Part 2, Kyle, do you think in lew of what I said above, that the box I posted was large or largest? or do you think it was the smallest I could get away with and still cover the bases? I ask, because there is some human perception that because my containers are larger then most, that they are the largest and they surely can do with less. I do not understand why folks think animals do not have a sense of space. They live in the same world we do. So that is a common place to start. If you have a four foot female, what do you think about a one foot wide box that's two feet long. Consider, to burrow, it means making a tunnel that's longer then your body. Or its not a burrow. So just to start, a one foot box is nearly the size of the chamber on a big king. Please give the and animals some credit, They understand space and most likely far better then we do. For instance, we look at a cage, and decorate it like some scene in nature and call it that scene. yet, to the animal. Its a cave in the ground they cannot get out of and has nothing to do with whats on the surface. Its a box. Its never going to represent its environment, except to other people. I build and built naturalistic zoo enclosures for a living. Do you understand the most important principle we go by? Illusion. Its never real, or rock or trees, its stuff we form to make the illusion of those things.
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