Posted by:
at Sun Apr 27 11:26:32 2014 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by FR ]
Most of what is done with captive snakes is convenience based. All stages are minimized because the snakes SURVIVE it. Not prosper or excel. they can survive being kept in solitary confinement. Its not even all snakes, its certain kinds of snakes, species that are very fossorial, low metabolism, etc. Such as hognose, ball pythons, sand boas, etc. Not species like coachwhips, racers, patchnose or other active medium to high metabolism reptiles. Those species do not like rack type cages. They tend to fail QUICKLY.
The point being, practices that actively cause health problems like poor nesting, should be addressed. And proper nesting, SHOULD BE mandatory. When females abort eggs and scatter them around a box, its not nesting, its an abortion. Yet to many, that's fine because the female lived and some eggs hatched. hmmmmmmmm Please, this is not about science, or biology, its more about human traits like lazy, self-centered, narcissistic. etc, you know to cause an animal to suffer for our convenience. This sir is a people thing and its why folks fight so hard against doing it for the sake of the animal.
Group nesting, I do not get what your being limited by. These methods I did/do, were developed for and by, line breeding for genetic traits. Common sense applies here, bigger snakes, bigger box, smaller snakes, smaller box, several smaller females, use the box for a larger female, etc. The key is, once you have provided normal nesting, it hurts to not support them in such a way. Again to me, its about people and their fear of wrong. You know, making stuff right and wrong. If they find out they are wrong. And they hate being wrong. So they avoid something that would point out they were wrong. The key here is, don't make it about right or wrong, make it better or worse. There are many degrees of each. pt1
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