Posted by:
at Sat Apr 3 01:17:22 2004 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by dhl ]
To start, you and I have different philosophies regarding taxonomy and monophyly. While I can recognize paraphyletic species, I believe any designation genus or above should be monophyletic. I know you believe differently, and I don't want to waste time arguing about something like that when neither of us will change our minds. And regarding me "casually dismissing" immunological data, that is a total misrepresentation. I stated that the resolving power of dna sequence data is superior to that of immunological data. Additionally, that remark was made referring to your unresolved tritomy. If P.crucifer were to be recovered basal to the other two clades in the unresolved parsimony tree (not super likely, but theoretically possible), you would have a point about not needing to include P.crucifer, P. cadaverina or P.regilla in Pseudacris since Hyla doing so would not render Hyla monophyletic either. Ultimately there needs to be a large analysis, which Cannatella has a grant to do. Regarding the placement of P. crucifer not being parsimonious because it would necessitate a reversal (or multiple losses of toe pads), that's should not be a deciding factor. Nature would have no problem preforming either.
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