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RE: For Masonmonitors

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Posted by: FR at Sat Sep 24 09:17:55 2011   [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by FR ]  

Your confusing the animal with its requirements. Yes, an ackie is different then a Sav which is different then a lacie, which is different then an albig, which is different then a kingorum, which is different then a gouldi, which is different then a croc monitor.

But the captive care for all those is very nearly identical, and does not require hibernation etc.

That confusion is something many keepers that fall for, and for gods sake, I cannot figure out why.

About Daniels paper, you should drop over and ask him how long he was there, how many did he find with a cricket in their stomach, what were the conditions, what happened to those monitors, etc. Or ask him about his experience keeping Savs in captivity or how his field knowledge benefited his captive experience??

I believe Daniel to be a very honest man. Ask him? Did you understand that the exact animals daniel found the cricket in the stomach in, were not actually wild natural Savs. But instead Savs that have overtaken feral agricultural fields. As in, none natural habitat.

So with that in mind, I wonder what a natural wild Sav consumes when its not in an old wheat field?

Also, your trying to be all exact, with some silly idea your duplicating their natural enviornment. Yet you do not have the foggist idea what that is. Or what they eat there. And you somehow think that a captive cricket is similar to wild free ranging african cricket.

You do understand, any food item is what that food item consumes, your are what you eat and I am positive that those wild crickets or any wild insect is not feeding on what your food items, for your sav are feeding on. Cheers


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