Posted by:
at Wed Jun 18 10:59:45 2014 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by FR ]
hognose snakes, behaviorally chose to utilize a particular niche to make a living, they then evolved to that niche. As published by all authors, hognose as family, specialize in sandy environments. As species, they inhabit variations of sandy environments. That is known and published. Within that environment, they utilize their adaptions to seek prey, to seek shelter, and to seek reproductive requirements. Their short thick structure, their muscle development, their turned up nose, are all physical adaptions to utilize that particular environment. Within that environment, they have both instinctual knowledge and learned knowledge, that supports their success. Instinct tells them what direction to seek, their ability to learn, refines what works and what doesn't. They then practice what works, and avoid what does not work. Generations of this, adds to what is instinct. As the environment is always changing, that learning behavior keeps them current. End part 2
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